Event Date: 01 Jul 18
JONK Schools Annual Conference, VNET Partnership of Schools, VNET Headquarters, Norfolk, UK. Coho ...read more
Event Date: 18 Oct 18
How can the JONK of Education and Leadership contribute to the research and discussion base of the T ...read more
Event Date: 29 Oct 18
JONK Workshop at the Wandle Teaching School Alliance Annual Primary Professional Learning Conference ...read more
Event Date: 07 May 19
We are really looking forward to the launch in May 2019 of an innovative Learning to Learn Project at BHASVIC intended to develop students' critical, creative and philosophical thinking and their lifelong learning dispositions from the start of their A-Level Courses ...read more
Event Date: 05 Jun 19
S7 Partnership of Sixth Form Colleges Biannual Teaching and Learning Conference. ‘The Joy o ...read more
Event Date: 18 Jun 19
A day working and modelling JONK initiatives throughout the school, spending time in each class and then leading a staff meeting at the end of the day ...read more
Event Date: 19 Jun 19
Working with students in each class on JONK initiatives and leading a professional development staff meeting at the end of the day ...read more
Event Date: 28 Jun 19
The session introduces participants to the principles and practical approaches that underpin the Joy of Not Knowing philosophy of education and of school leadership. Participants will be able to gain an understanding of why it is so good to not know and how this realisation through modelling has such a transformational impact of how children view themselves as learners and how they perceive that there no barriers to the process of learning https://www.ifleast.org/2019-speakers ...read more